~~ Your FamilyChest Document ~~

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Document Number:0412122
Date:03 May 1798
For Sale:£88.00
Parchment : 2 sheets 82cm x 62cm with 1 wax seal and revenue stamp
Summary of contents:
Richard Scott of Maidsmorton, Buckinghamshire. Gentleman
Thomas Shillingford of Buckingham, Buckinghamshire. Gentleman

The document begins by reciting an indenture of 1794 in which Thomas Shillingford and his wife Susannah mortgaged property in Buckingham to Richard Scott for £2000.

Thomas Shillingford has since sold a capaital messuage (which usually means the Manor House) with lands to Philip Bax Esquire and is paying off the mortgage out of the money received.

This Indenture is the reconveyance of the other mortgaged property from Richard Scott back to Thomas Shillingord. The greater part of the document then lists all the property involved, consisting mainly of small plots of land in the parishes of Buckingham and Gawcott, and the prebend of Buckingham with Gawcott. There are also a few cottages in the town of Buckingham.

There is a note that Thomas Shillingford is the only surviving son and heir of Farmer Shillingford.
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